About Me!


University of Idaho: Moscow Idaho,  August 2002.

Masters of Education in Educational Technology.

University of Idaho: Moscow, Idaho. May 1993-May 1996

Bachelor of Science in Education

Golden Key Honor Society

Kansas State University: Manhattan, Kansas. August 1990- May 1993



National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification - Early Adolescent (Ages 11-15) English/Language Arts. (NBCT)

Washington State Professional Certification, all subjects grades K-8, Secondary English Language Arts.

Idaho Elementary Certification, all subjects, grades K-8.

Idaho Technology Competency - Certified April 1999

Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Certification – May 2000



Idaho Middle Level Educator of the Year, Region II 2002

Master Educator and Model Classroom, Reading Renaissance,  2001-2002

Professional Experience

9th Pre-AP English /Achieve Teacher, Student Learning Plan Coordinator, August 2002 - present.

Central Kitsap Junior High School, 10130 Frontier Place NW, Silverdale, WA 98383

2006/2007 - Teach three periods of Pre-AP English, and one period of Achieve. Coordinate and distribute Student Learning Plans for CKJH.

2005/2006 - Teach two periods of 8th grade English, a block for 9th graders Pre-AP English and Achieve/Washington State History. Coordinate and distribute Student Learning Plans for CKJH.

2004/2005 - Teach three periods of 8th grade English, a block for 9th graders Pre-AP English and Achieve/Washington State History.

2003/2004 - Teach two periods of 8th grade English as part of a mini-teaching team, two periods of ninth grade English, and one period of Pre-AP (Achieve) ninth grade English.

2002/2003 - Teach four periods of a semester reading class for seventh graders, and two periods of language arts for ninth graders, including a pilot of the "Soar to Success" program.


7th Grade Language Arts /8th and 9th Grade Creative Writing Teacher, August 1997-May 2002. 

Moscow Junior High School, 1410 East D St, Moscow, Idaho 83843

Teach four periods of 7th grade Language Arts and one period of elective Creative Writing for 8th and 9th graders (approximately 105 students a day); member of an interdisciplinary team, created or participated in many interdisciplinary units, such as a Mock Archaeological Dig, Bald Eagle Study, Greek and Roman myths, and a "road-trip" through Europe.


English Aide, October 1996 - August 1997

Moscow Junior High School, 1410 East D St, Moscow, Idaho 83843

Assisted eight English teachers in day-to-day classroom activities, such as puppetry, drama, reading, grading, copying and filing.


Student Teaching

McDonald Elementary School, 2323 East D St, Moscow, Idaho 83843

Sixth Grade Language Arts, Mathematics, and Art

Cooperating Teacher - Ms. Cindy Bechiniski

Committees  & Additional Duties

Central Kitsap Junior High - Central Management Team

Moscow Junior High School Improvement - Steering Committee

District Language Arts Core Curriculum Committee.

District and Building Technology Committee.

Staff Technology In-service Teaching  - SASI/Class XP® (administrative software) training in attendance and grade reporting, Utilizing Inspiration® in classrooms, Installing and using Antivirus software.

Just-in Time Challenge Grant Team Leader - Team of  five teachers working with Idaho State University and the U.S. Department of Education technology Challenge Grant.

Mentor Teacher SASI/Class XP® (Administrative software) - One of four teachers trained to instruct school staff members.

Writing Improvement Project, Grant participant.

Counselor/Team Liaison, for interdisciplinary team.

Mentor teacher for novice teacher - Rachel Aiello special education behavior specialist, Chris Mygatt English/Debate Teacher

Mentor teacher for pre-service educators in Education 201 - Introduction to Education, Education 475 - Secondary English Methods, and several  student teachers. 

Professional Associations

National Board of Professional Teaching Standards

National Council of Teachers of English

Northwest Gifted Child Association

Washington Coalition for Gifted Education

Washington Educators of Talented and Gifted


Classic cars - VWs and Corvairs, Fish tanks (salt and fresh), Backyard Bird Feeding