Classroom Rules and Guidelines

1.       Respect yourself, others, and this place.  Be polite, supportive, and safe.  Raise your hand during discussions or for questions.  Wait for your turn to speak, and do not interrupt. No swearing or teasing.  Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Help keep the classroom clean and orderly. Follow all rules in the Student Handbook.

2.       Be prepared for class.  Arrive on time.  Be in your seat when the last bell rings.  Always bring your notebook full of lined paper, a pen or pencil, your planner, and a reading book.

3.       Participate to the best of your ability. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4.       Complete all assignments to the best of your ability.

a.       Complete all work by the due date. Work is due at the beginning of the period (unless otherwise arranged). 

b.       All work must be legible and properly labeled, at the top of the paper on the right side, with your full name, period, subject, and date.

c.        All work must be your own. Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will NOT be tolerated.




1.       Does Mrs. Cassel accept late work?

Generally, Mrs. Cassel does not accept late work.

2.  What happens if I didn’t finish my work for a good reason?

Life sometimes gets in the way of school work. Mrs. Cassel expects students to communicate with her about difficulties before an assignment is late.

3.  What if I can’t print?

A broken printer at home is NEVER an excuse for a late paper. Options if your printer is broken:

*         Print it at school

*         Email assignment to Mrs. Cassel or a personal web-based email account

*         Save to a disk, CD, or USB drive

*         Call Mrs. Cassel

*        Bring a note from home

1.       What did you miss?

·         You are responsible for checking or contacting a classmate prior to your return to school.

2.       Do you need a handout?

·         It is also your responsibility to ask for any handouts the day you return from an absence.

3.       How long do I have to turn in absent work?

·         Generally you have one week to make up work from an absence. Talk to Mrs. Cassel to make a plan after an extended absence.

4.       What about projects or essays?

·         Projects and essays generally take a longer time to complete. Due dates should not be a surprise. Projects and essays that are due the day you are absent are DUE the day you return.

5.        How will Mrs. Cassel know that the work is late due to absence?

·         Absent work must be clearly labeled “LATE” at the top of the paper. If not, the paper will fall under the late work policy.

  1. Keep an organized notebook, planner, and reading/writing file.  Keep all assignments in your file in the classroom unless otherwise directed. You will need these at the end of the year for an anthology. Write all information provided to you about assignments, activities, etc. in your planner.

  2. Hall Passes should be kept to a minimum. You should use the restroom and water fountain in between classes. Hall Passes will only be issued for emergencies and should be very quick.  You must sign in and out of the classroom using the clipboard on Mrs. Cassel’s desk, as well as completely filling out a hall pass.

If you choose not to follow the Class Rules and Guidelines, one or more of the following may happen:

Verbal/Non-Verbal Warning                                                        Adjust Seating

Ask to leave the room                                                                   Conference with Teacher in room/hall

Behavior Journal                                                                            Detention

Parent Phone Call/e-mail                                                              Conference/Consequence in office