Are you really finished??

STEP I. Print notes

Print your notes from PowerPoint. You have to select "Notes Pages" when you print. Remember to check the PRINTER location too!

STEP II. Mark your notes


  1. Highlight your position statement.

  2. In your position statement, underline the reference to individual rights, and overline (put a line OVER) the reference to common good.

  3. Highlight in second color your call to action. (you may need to share highlighters to have enough colors).


  1. What is the issue? CIRCLE the area where you explain the issue.
  2. Who is involved in the issue? Draw a STAR next to where you explain who is involved.
  3. Why this issue is important? (Relating to key ideal or principle) Draw a BOX around the area where you explain why the issue is important. Use a WAVYLINE to underline the relation to key ideal or principle.


  1. Highlight in the first color your explanation of constitutional principle logically supports your position.
  2. Highlight in the second color an explanation of credible information that logically supports the issue.
  3. Highlight in the third color an explanation of credible information that logically supports the issue.


  1. NUMBER (with large circled numbers) the references (parenthetical citations or According to...) within the paper to four or more sources using
  2. Make sure that Mrs. Cassel has a copy of your final WORKS CITED

If you can do ALL MAY be ready.

Look over that rubric one more time and REHEARSE!!! :)

Getting Started         Prompt/Directions/Steps     Resources        Rubric         Graphic Organizer    Am I really done?  Works Cited