
OSPI CBA Directions & Rubric

Citizens in a democracy have the right and responsibility to make informed decisions. You will make an informed decision on a public issue after researching and discussing different perspectives on this issue.


Should public school students be allowed to express themselves freely, without fear of punishment from school officials, except in rare, extreme cases? Or should teachers and administrators be allowed to crack down on speech that contradicts a school’s stated "educational mission"? (Student's Free-Speech)

Edited to assist in reaching Level 4
Original Directions from OSPI

In a cohesive speech and PowerPoint presentation, you will:

  • State a position on the issue that considers both individual rights and the common good. AND Includes a call to action or an analysis of how this issue helps understand current issues.
  • Provide background on your position by describing:

o    what the issue is

o    who is involved in the issue

o    why this issue is important relating it to a key ideal or constitutional principle.

  • Provide reasons for your position that include:

o    An explanation of how a constitutional principle logically supports your position on the issue.

o    An explanation of how two or more additional pieces of credible information logically supports your position on the issue.

  • Make explicit references within presentation/poster to four or more credible sources that provide relevant information AND cite sources within the paper, presentation, or bibliography.


  1. Identify sources
  2. Cite in Works Cited (using an on-line tool)
  3. Read and take notes
  4. Review Rubrics
  5. Complete graphic organizer
  6. Review Rubrics
  7. Have Mrs. Cassel check graphic organizer
  8. Begin PowerPoint presentation by typing what you are actually going to say (using your graphic organizer) in the NOTES area (I'll grade this). At this point there should not be any pictures or words on your slides.
  9. Now begin designing your slides following these rules: We see presentations not read them.
    1. Be consistent: Choose one font, color scheme, transition, etc and stick with them the whole time
    2. Use quality graphics, like professional images, that have been included in your works cited, instead of cheesy pictures of clip art
    3. Use heavy and large font with less than 25 words per slide
    4. Your slides should reinforce your spoken words; NOT repeat all of them
    5. Keep it Simple: avoid all the annoying PowerPoint traps - multiple transitions, animations, and sound effects
  10. Review Rubrics
  11. Rehearse with your notes so you don't read every word off your note cards
  12. Present to the class!!!


Getting Started         Prompt/Directions/Steps     Resources        Rubric         Graphic Organizer    Am I really done?  Works Cited